One of our five core values at Kimber White Communications is to “put more into the world than you take out,” and one of the ways we express that value is through donations to and sponsorships of non-profit organizations and programs focused on literacy and communication. Libraries have played a critical role in our society for centuries as centers of knowledge, communal meeting places, and forums for the exchange of ideas. Some believed the advent of the digital era and the easy access to information it represented would render libraries obsolete, but libraries adapted as they always have and remain vibrant, important institutions in our communities.
Kimber White Communications is proud to support our local library in Sudbury, MA – Goodnow Library – by sponsoring the Goodnow Library Foundation and its 2021 annual fundraising event. Libraries are a bulwark against the ignorance and misinformation that threaten civil society in the digital era, and we hope you will join us in supporting your local libraries as well!